Baby Loss Pain

I was 22 weeks pregnant with my daughter, Mireya when we lost her. A month ago today, I held my baby for the last time and had to say goodbye. Up until that point I had a perfect pregnancy, I was active and felt amazing! I was never sick and only craved healthy foods. M was right where she was supposed to be, measuring accurately with a strong heartbeat. The doctors don't know why it happened I guess that happens sometimes. I did everything right, I didn't do anything wrong but we still lost her. We were so excited, we got pregnant almost immediately after we started trying, we felt so lucky, so blessed. It's been a month but I still feel like my chest is caving in, like I can't survive another day without her. I just don't know how I'll move on how I'll ever be ok with another pregnancy. I miss pregnancy, I miss my sweet girl. I didn't just lose my baby, I lost my toddler, my little girl, my teen..I lost a whole lifetime and nothing I do can bring her back. Nobody knows what to say to me either, they're all scared of saying the wrong thing. No one says her name anymore and I think that's what hurts the most. I was so prepared to be a mommy, to bring my daughter into this world. I just didn't think I'd have to say goodbye.  Oh baby girl, mommy loves and misses you! ❤