Jumped the gun

When I first found out I was pregnant, I intended to wait until after my first trimester before announcing it on Facebook. Excitement got the better of me and I posted it anyway. Well, obviously now everyone thinks I'm still pregnant. I had a mc last week. I'm going to have to tell everyone eventually (or I will get strange looks when I decide to have a beer). Has anyone had this happen to them? How did you tell people? I really don't want sympathy, I just want everyone to know the truth. And I'm also a little embarrassed too.
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Posted at
Just post that you wanna share with everyone that you unfortunately lost the baby but you appreciated all the love and support you recieved. Sorry for your loss momma. I know its painful


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I hadn't announced on FB we were expecting before our loss, but I did announce the loss during October (pregnancy loss awareness month). So many people were kind and supportive and had nice things to say. It was scary at first to be vulnerable but the reactions I got were all positive. 


Posted at
I never announced pregnancy but I did put we had a MC on FB. The support I got was amazing and helped me get through it. It's amazing how you feel like you're the only one bc no one talks about it. People came out of the woodwork. I had several people tell me that they finally got closure even 20+ years later bc they had NEVER told anyone. It's hard and I'm so sorry for your loss. It seems hard now and conflicting how to tell people, but I think you'll be amazed at how helpful it actually is 


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Don't ever be embarrassed for "jumping the gun" and telling people. You were excited about the promise of a child and there is nothing wrong with that. We told people early too and I don't regret it. 


Pam • Jan 5, 2017
Feeling embarrassed implies shame and you did nothing wrong! Tell or not tell, do whatever makes you comfortable. There is no wrong way to grieve. God bless you and I am so sorry for gou


Posted at
You have nothing to be ashamed of... and you may find additional supports among your online community.


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Don't be embarrassed. I think we should always celebrate life even if that life only last a couple of weeks. I wish I told more people about the pregnancy bc now I feel like more people know about the miscarriage than who knew I was pregnant and they didn't get to celebrate the joy with me just the sympathy. 


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Thanks y'all!! I appreciate all the feedback. I'm feeling much better now


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We told our immediate family on Thanksgiving. I was about 5 weeks along. Miscarried the next day. My husbands family and my own were so supportive. I'm glad I had them and I'm glad they knew. No one else knows as I didn't post anything. We just started trying again and I will do the same when we get pregnant again. I will only tell close family and will wait until at least 12 weeks to tell Facebook. I'm going to put a conscious effort into not letting my fear from my last miscarriage take away from my excitement for the next one. 


Ho • Jan 4, 2017
Our parents knew as well and it was so sad as it was the first grandbaby on both sides. It was a heart wrenching situation. I was a nervous wreck early pregnancy. I bought a Doppler because for added fun I have an anterior placenta so I don't feel movement. Doppler is AMAZING ❤ Sorry for your loss


Geni • Jan 4, 2017
I have the same attitude. I want to feel excited and hopeful if we get pregnant again, even if I do feel more nervous and a bit sad about trying again.


Posted at
My fiancé and I didn't make an announcement, only our families knew, but now that we've lost ours I feel like I want to announce it. I want people to know. I don't want what this baby should've been to pass without people knowing how much we love him to her. 😔


Posted at
We told people right away. I have had 2 perfect pregnancy before this recent loss. We just lost ours 2 days ago and it hurts. The night we found out we called the important people (parents and siblings and really close friends) and told then first then we did a fb post to put the word out there. The support is overwhelming so in my opinion do it quick like a bandaid and take the time you need.