lost our baby.... and now I feel alone...

We found out this Tuesday that we lost our baby. He stopped growing at 9 weeks and there was no heartbeat. 😔 I have my D&E tomorrow..... and I feel alone. I feel like my husband doesn't understand what's going on and isn't here. I told him that I missed him today and needed him... and nothing. He came home and complained about dishes and about me asking him to take out son to the living room. He was hungry and didn't want to have to watch him too. I don't get it...... I can't handle this at all and then to feel like he isn't in this with me hurts even more. Yesterday he sent me a very loving and sweet text and I thought we could do this. Now he's just annoyed at me for not having the house in order and other things. I just can't right now. I want to break down. And I'm kicking myself for telling my mom not to come. And that my husband was being wonderful etc.Â