nervously waiting

I had a miscarriage earlier this month. I was only about 6 weeks when it happened. I had another miscarriage before between my son and daughter so I knew what to expect once it started. I was unsure at the time if I wanted a third child but after this last miscarriage i made up my mind that I really do want another baby. My husband wasn't very excited about the idea of having a 3rd but when I told him I was pregnant he seemed to be very happy and even started talking about names and future things with me. He didn't show much emotion after I had the miscarriage and I think he did that for me. I know he was sad but he was being strong for me. Well this entire month we haven't used protection and just been letting things happen. I have no idea when I should expect my period or if it will show up at a random time. But from another period tracking app I have it says I have 6 days left in waiting. I feel like it's going to be the longest 6 days ever. I just want to test now and see if I'm pregnant again or not but I know it's probably to early. Sorry this was so long. I just needed to vent/talk someplace but I have no one to talk to. Thanks for listening.