Prayer request

My 35 year old friend of 22 years has had a high risk pregnancy wrought with tons of hurdles. She is 33 weeks and her medical team decided to induce her last night. Please pray for the safe delivery of her baby girl. And for her family to feel at peace, stress free, and secure. Please pray for mama to feel confident and loving towards baby. Please pray for swift healing and the best medical care for all involved. They are a lovely family of Jewish denomination. But I have been praying to my Lord Jesus Christ often over the last few years as they struggled with conception, medical problems, surgeries <a href="">IVF</a>, and miscarriage. This is their first baby. Any and all energy accepted, regardless of faith or belief. I believe it takes a village and I trust that all will turn out well. Photo below is her and her pup Millie!

Thank you so much, Glow Community!