Oww 😯


So this morning I was having regular contractions 3 minutes apart lasting 60-90, dilated to 3ish. Decided to go home rather than hang out at the hospital, Dr told me to take a bath and my labour stalled 🙄. Sucked. So we decided to go for a walk, and me being the stupid stubborn person I am ignored my husband when he said I wouldn't be able to walk as far as I decided we were. He was right, halfway back it started hurting so bad 😭. Dr said it sounds like she's finally dropped the rest of the way, which is great, and now contractions have started back up. But it feels like my pelvis is being ripped out. I can't walk and nothing is comfortable now. I think we are going to go back to the hospital just to see how everything looks, possibly get some pain meds...

How's everyone else doing today?