could I be pregnant? help

Ladies I need your in put I'm on the pill Ashlyna it's generic for Seasonique. I had carpel tunnel oct 19 I was put on antibiotic for week then about 8/9 days later in November 8th I was put on cipro for infection in the hand. Well on nov 19th I had sex not back like condom just relying on bc. I'm not supposed to get my period till January 12. Todward the end of November early part of dec till now I have had mood swings like crazy I cry at thing I normally would not, my boob are sore and tender I feel like my nipples are leaking at times but nothing there I sick to my stomach the kind of one you get when carsick nothing bad it comes and goes I get it different times of the day, I'm tired more noticed I pee more at times. I had cramping off and on nothing bad very light. Did I mention mood swing loss of appetite sometimes smells or looking at certain food makes me nauseous my jean feel tighter and when I put my bra on I feel fuller in them I feel like my bras filled up I also feel leaking when I have bra on too but nothing there. I took pregnancy test it was negative. However in the evening now I'm having dry heaves and spotting its light it's light-dark brown nothing I need to wear pad for. Could I be pregnant? Should I retest in 13days? If I am I would be super happy I've wanted baby for long time. Help please.