For all the mommas with angel babies...

Avery • Mommy to my sweet rainbow Alison💜 and Rosie 💕
This time of year is hard. It's hard seeing the beautiful family dynamic of those who are so blessed to have their babies with them. It's hard feeling like these parents have no idea how truly fortunate they are. It's hard trying and praying for a miracle hoping the magic of the season will aid in your efforts. It's hard reading another BFN on that little stick when you can't help but feel like because you've seen a BFP shouldn't have to suffer this disappointment all over again. It's hard counting the days, months, years along your angel should be. I know this is absolutely 100% how I've been feeling. I know the struggle and if you're reading this you probably do too. I'm so sorry we share this pain. I just wanted to post this for anyone that may be feeling this way and feels as though they are alone. You are absolutely not alone. We are all in this together. We are all stronger than we realize. I hope we all get our rainbow this new year. I hope you're doing well and know that it's ok to feel this way. The holidays are hard. This situation is hard. We will make it out on top one way or another. 💞💞