Parent Wants To Out My Abuser

Co-Producer Speed Weed • Previously Bart | Illustrator | Queer | Really likes 80's Synthwave

Okay, so this happened a couple months ago, but it's been giving me anxiety ever since. Back around end of October my mom found my personal social media accounts, which included posts about me talking about my feelings around my abuser. While she knew some details about them, I did not tell her this person sexually abused me. Some posts were about my parents lack of support about my mental health and how they told me to "get over" my anxiety/depression and completely ignored my request for help with paying for therapy. She did not like that one bit and got mad at me and confronted me. She sort of...extracted that information from me about the sexual abuse when I clearly did not want to talk about it.

Since all of this happened at college and my abuser is still on campus, and with a college who does not hold abusers and rapists accountable, she immediately went for her phone and started trying to call my college, saying it was necessary to take action.

While I understand that, I no longer have evidence of this personal sexually assaulting me. I know for a fact nothing good will happen if I try to press charges. It will only hurt me more and I just want to move on from the situation. I managed to get her to stop before someone answered but she got angry with me and was convinced I'd change my mind when I wasn't overwhelmed and crying in front of her.

It was a couple months ago, so far she hasn't done anything about it, but I have severe anxiety about the possibility of her going again my wish to keep things the way they are. A part of me can't trust her anymore out of fear. Has anybody experienced something like this? How did you cope or manage to make to convince this person that doing this could only make things worse? I want to be able to trust my own mother but...After that fiasco it's really hard.