Pregnancy help??!!??


Okay, so I guess I have major questions that I hope someone can answer.

I have been pregnant 3 times. All of them lost within a couple of weeks due to stress.

I have been going nuts! I have been having wild mood swings, and I have been crying a lot recently. For like 4 weeks I have been feeling sick every night around 8pm. I am usually okay once I lay down, but it has to be a certain way. All I want is spicy food. And when I went to make tunafish the other day, I was gagging the ENTIRE TIME. I just wanted (at least I thought) some tuna on crackers. Nope! My body rejected the idea before I could even finish making it. I have had terrible back aches recently, accompanied with headaches and toothaches. And now I am finding it more and more difficult to wear a bra (like they've shrunk 2 sizes). Even my fingers and feet are getting bigger... It has gotten to the point I wear slippers everywhere, and my wedding band that used to be able to slide off had to be taken off because my fingers are too fat....

I can take tests all I want, but my body doesn't produce HCG all that great...

This one is the latest, and no matter how I tweek it, I don't see anything. Not that I have before... I don't know... Someone else see anything, because I sure as hell don't...