induction is taking forever 😩

I'm 38 weeks today. Came in for induction yesterday at 5:30 am and they said my cervix was completely closed. They put cervidil in my cervix to try and soften it and came back 4 hours later for another check. I was 1 cm dilated so they decided to try another cervidil. After 6 hours they started me on pitocin, turning up the amount every 30 mins. The doctors were busy with emergencies and a delivery so they weren't able to come check me again till 8:30 pm. I was in a lot of discomfort because I was having back labor pain, so I decided to get the epidural. The doctors finally came to check me after that and i still was only 1 cm. They decided to stop the pitocin and give my body some recovery time. Around 3 am today they came in and did a Foley catheter, which is the balloon to dilate my cervix. They said they won't check me again until 3 pm, unless it falls out itself. So far this has been a longer process than I expected. I'm a FTM, so of course I didnt think it would be so wonky lol but I just want them to break my water and get this over with bc I do not want a c section. Hopefully by the end of today I will be holding my baby girl.Â