I feel like he's shooting into a black hole in space.

quark • 👼🏻mommy`s angel in heaven 9.10.17 | preg w/a 🌈
I just have to vent - I am so fed up with ttc. It's been 18 months, one surgery to remove a cervical polyp, a couple of months of trying without all the tracking and opk's and recording trying "not trying" so hard, a few with the opk's and constant logging of cm and bd and constant BD on the fertile days. And there is nothing going on down there: no spotting, no chemical pregnancies, nothing to show at all. I'm so frustrated and confused as I've never been on bc, or had any endometriosis: why has my body had NO symptoms that something was wrong? I just feel so angry that my body hasn't done something, anything in response. It's like my husband and I could BD every day of my cycle and no bfp. I'm beyond angry and I don't know how I'm going to get past it. 😖