A Icelandic Baby ❤️✨❄️👶

My husband and I are travelling through Iceland for New Years and I have been having some issues sleeping as I was affected by the time difference. I also noticed my period was late by 4 days which was odd but thought maybe my body was just all out of wack cause of the jet lag.  As I sat wide awake at 4am yesterday... I remembered I packed one pregnancy test. I figured - what the hell!
Went to the bathroom..business as usual then looked down and my heart instantly started pounding louder and louder. 
Seeing that positive result in my test was actually something I felt I would never see! My husband and I have been trying for 7 months ... and just used Pre Seed for the first time last month! Who knows if that's what it was ... but it was an Icelandic miracle for sure !!
So glad I have you all to share this with and read your stories and journey as well ❤️❤️❤️