Similac Alimentum


My son who will be 6 weeks old on Monday. Has to have specialized formula due to severe food allergy. We have finally found the perfect formula for him. It's the similar alimentum the doctor tried us on.

On average for the ready to feed 32 ounce quart we pay about $11 dollars and with the 12 ounce can of powder we pay about $28 dollars.

Just wondering if you all know of a way we could buy it in bulk seeing as he drinks about 4 ounces every feeding. And he eats about 8 to 10 times a day. So as you can imagine the cans and ready to feed bottles don't last very long. Tonight we are going to add just a small bit of rice cereal in his night time bottle to see if that satisfies him more. Just wondering if there are ways we can buy more of the formula for a better price and hoe to keep him satisfied longer. A few times lately he has drank 6 ounces at once and he isn't quite 6 weeks old yet!! Poor thing just always wants to eat. He may be going through a growing spurt but holy cow. What should I do? And how can I buy the milk in bulk with good deals? Anyone know how I can get manufacturer coupons for it as well???