Overbearing SIL

So up until recently I've never really had a problem with family or friends being overbearing.. But in the past few weeks my SIL is about to drive me nuts. She's a mom of 4 and naturally has this attitude that she knows evvverything. But to be completely honest I've never agreed with her parenting style/choices- but I've kept my mouth shut. So it's starts out with her telling me after my maternity leave I need to immediately return to work- but I plan to try to stay home with baby for the first few years. She says it's bad for the child to stay home with them too long- when she stayed home with her own children for 6 years. I bit my tongue. Today I had my hair colored, controversial topic- but it's not something that I believe to be harmful. She saw and immediately says "OMG you dyed your hair AGAIN??!" When I haven't done anything to my hair in over 2 years. Then she goes on this rant about how I'm poisoning my baby because the chemicals are transferred through the placenta into the baby. Like give me a break lady, gosh. She's always telling me I need to do this, and that. Or I should buy this or eat that. I'm about to lose my cool. Any advise? Am I overreacting orrr? Thanks 😔