ugh. i dont know

What do I do.. 
I got pregnant.. in July. 
It was a rekindle with a guy that has been in my life for 9 years now. 
Its a complicated road we have been on. He was single.. with a recent ex. But when we found out I was pregnant we made the decision to do this together, commited, a family... 
My family was very discouraging.. attacked him with words and really pushed him away. When all he was wanting was to do what was right.
We still tried to stay together and eventually it has failed.. the "title" failed. With everything going on this ex.. came back in his life.. find out that in all he actually "cheated" on her. He picked her.. but still continues to tell me he loves me and wants all these things with me still. He stays with me, all night. He sleeps with me still. Everything has stayed the same as far as our wants, dreams, but.. she is still there. As his "girlfriend " He says he is in love with her.. but loves me too. That he cares just as much as me, which tells me he still wants and desires that same things I do. My heart it is so tore, because we have such a strong connection, such a strong love, and the actions of my family the words of my family ruined. Not to mention the lies and rumors that have occurred from other people. I know.. i need to walk away right? You see.. this girl is 18. We are 24. She is a senior in high school.. she is played a huge part of drama in this as well. I believe he loves me, I believe everything he tells me.. I have felt like she has been an easy distraction maybe thats how to put it. He tells me we will bring out sone home together, that he will be here with me. But thats when he is born.. now I just get half that time... I just get a few nights out of a week. And when she is with him.. its like i dont exist. He shuts me out.... there is more. But how do i shut this door, knowing how we both feel? Based of what he tells me.. we have a child together.. im 2 1/2 months away from having him.. is this going to change his decisions on who and where he wants to be because Our son is here.  Everything about us is literally the same.. he stays, he spends time with me and my daughter still. He stills sleeps with me... everything that makes a relationship happens... im torn.. its a new year but I literally cant shake this off for a new year new me. I love him... more than myself. And its awful I know...