Body Changes on Progesterone


So I was told that I had PCOS and I began taking progesterone for it.

My first period came right on cue after my 10 days of pills was up. It was the worst period of my life! I guess that is because I had been irregular for so long. I was bleeding through a super plus tampon or emptying a full diva cup every hour for three days straight. And suddenly I had every symptom possible whereas I had never had any before. Back pain, cramps, bloating, etc.

But I survived! I'm now three or four days into my second period on my new pill regime and it's much better. The period is very light and the cramps aren't as bad. I've experienced tender nipples for the first time and I've noticed a large growth in the size of my breasts. (The fiancé and I think that is pretty swell ;) get it? SWELL?!)

Anyway, I thought I would share my experience in case anyone else is thinking about starting hormone regulation therapy. Good luck :)