I might be overreacting

Ok so I'm pretty emotional. Pms. But I rarely get to see my man. He works so much and so do I. I also have school. He's 28 and I'm 21. Well I've been okay with him working lately and even not seeing him for Christmas because he wanted to be with his family and son. He lives over an hour away. We aren't that serious right now because I just got out of an abusive marriage. We both agreed that April we would make it serious. So he worked yesterday. We had plans to meet up afterwards. I spent all day getting ready and then waiting. I got several other offers but I said no to all of them because he wanted to be together. Then this morning I see that he apparently went out after work with a friend. I have that friend on fb. There are pictures with him by another girl. Nothing inappropriate. (Which is why I'm pretty sure I'm just an emotional wreck). But I just feel upset that he never told me he got done and was going out... I know I have a lot of work to do on myself emotionally from my past (sexual assault from someone, and physically and verbally abused by my husband) but I just can't help but worry.