The ring! would u feel offended?

I have been with my partner for over a year. Knew him for 5months before officially dating. And like any serious couple we've talked about marriage. He shared with me that he would love to marry me.I recall one day while I was in his car he mentioned for the millionth time that he needed to save and I asked for what. He started to blush and didn't want to talk about it anymore. I wouldn't let him leave unless he told me so he finally said for a ring. He asked me if I would choose my ring like his ex and I said no (his ex who he was engaged to chose her ring but after he bought it for her she took the package, didn't wait for him to propose properly and said she didn't like the ring after a few weeks. She went ahead and purchased another ring with his money without telling him and claimed that she did not like the first one). Knowing that story I wanted him to feel good about himself and his choice. I told him I'd be happy with any ring really but he said he wanted some direction so that he doesn't mess up. I finally told him that I would love a ring with a stone that is the color or similar color of his eyes (he has gorgeous blue eyes that sometimes look greenish grey). I said that way whenever I look down and see the ring I will remember him (not that I'll ever forget him) and smile throughout the day. A few weeks later he send me pictures of different rings with two of them carrying blue stones. He said to choose my favorite so I chose this one; 
A few minutes later he asked if $10000 was too much for a ring and I responded absolutely unless the person has the money for it. He then made it a point to say that my favorite ring is almost $10000 and that the ring he bought his ex is almost $4000. 
I felt offended...not sure why he's sharing that with me but it made it seem as if he was saying well although this is your fav ring I only spent about $4000 on my exes first ring so I won't buy this one. I do not think men should EVER tell their woman how much they spend on their ex. That creates issues because I know at that moment I thought "well how much do you think I'm worth?" At that moment the price all of a sudden mattered to me and it did not before! I felt so shitty because all I can think of is ok thank u babe. You're telling me that you'll spend more money on your ex whom u talk so much crap about but supposedly the person who u claim to be better than her you want to buy a cheaper ring to? Wow. I did not say anything that day and instead kept my thoughts to myself however I did get silent for a while before getting off the phone. 
Eventually he brought up that topic again and I ashared with him my thoughts. He said that he just thought $10000 is a lot for a ring and would rather spend that money on something better. Would you feel offended? What would you your expectations be if your partner told you what mine did? 
Keep in mind I am extremely understanding and caring and believe that $10000 can be put into our future house down payment but would still like to know whether this is offensive to other women out there