I'm just so upset

Hi! I'm trying not to come off bratty or snobby so I'm sorry if it does. I'm just so upset about everything. I'm 19 years old and take classes at community college online. I work very hard and was away at college last year and failed two classes (I worked so hard. I'm just so disappointed in myself. I feel like everything I do is a joke and no one takes me seriously.  Besides my family and my bf I talk to no one. I am working on getting a job and get certified to be a pharmacy tech. But even when I get the job at all places everyone is 40+. I just want friends to talk to or people to hangout with. I don't know how I can do this if I take online classes because they are cheaper and the school is an hour away. I'm just so upset because my bf gets all texts from his friends saying happy new year and I have no one to talk to ever.  I get so upset when he gets invited to hang out with his friends and wish I had that opportunity. What do I do? I'm sorry if this is hard to read I'm just so upset.