low heart rate

We had an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on Nov 16 so our conception date should be exact.  We went for early ultrasound on December 23, should be 6 weeks 6 days.  Yolk and yolk sac only, no fetus, no heartbeat.  Hcg level was 54,000 and Dr was concerned because it should not be that high without a fetus present on ultrasound.  I went home and prayed for a miracle.  Dr had us come back 5 days later.  There as a fetus and a heartbeat...101 bpm.  I am measuring at 6.5 weeks....which doesn't measure up.  We are scheduled for another ultrasound on January 3 to see that the heart rate has increased.  Continuing to pray for a miracle. We had a 12 week miscarriage on August 12 from our 4th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> proceedure.  We believe that my nausea (continuous all day long) is a good sign.  I'm asking for all the good vibes, prayers and meditation that any of you can send my way.  Thanks!