New Year's Eve

I met this guy a day before New Year's <a href="">Eve</a>. I was walking down the street with my cousin and he drove passed and stopped when he saw me and my cousin, he turned around and pulled up with his friend in the car and started talking to me. The conversation was light. He ask for my name and age and I did the same. Ohh he's 28 by the way and I'm 18. I always been attracted to older guys so I didn't mind the age difference. Anyway long story short I gave him my number and Instagram. My cousin is the type of person that's overly protective over me even though she only 15. She very observant (aka noisey little girl) she notice two kids in the car. ( the windows were tented in the back so she kind of stuck her head in the passengers window Lol) she said "are those your kids" he said no that's his nephew but there was also a little girl back there too so idk how true that was. Through the whole convo his friend never said anything which was really weird to me. But anyways he left and called me once he drove off. We talked and then ended the convo. We started texting right after and the texting got really hot real quick. He then wanted to see me late. we met somewhere private so I wouldn't get caught by my mom. We made out and did other things. He told me that he wanted to see me later that night too. My cousin told me not to but I did anyway. I snuck out and we had sex in his car on New Year's <a href="">Eve</a> 5 o'clock that morning. I didn't want to have sex but he sort of talked me out of my underwear. I thought we were just going to kiss and stuff like we did earlier but he wanted more it was good but I wish we could've waited because I just met the guy. He told me that there would be other times to make up for it but now he won't text me back. He was the second guy I had sex with and I wanted my second time to be better because my first time I got my heart broken now I just dont know anymore. I regret it but at the same time I don't. I like him but I think he has someone in his life already.