lazy new years kiss

it was my first NYE with my boyfriend and I wanted him to come see me so I could give him a kiss at midnight, and i'm pretty sure he fell asleep before 11 😂 so when the countdown came on I started like smacking his chest and yelling him "it's midnight give me kissies" and he kinda just blinked his eyes open at me and fell back asleep mid me kissing him 😂 he also was asleep in the middle of my bed and i couldn't get him to move over and because there was no space i had to sleep face to feet just so i could fit on my bed. when we woke up the next day i was telling him that he was asleep when it was midnight and he disappointedly goes "… so we didn't kiss when the ball dropped?" and i had to explain that he may not have kissed me back but i kissed him and that was enough for me