just found out my fiancé is being convicted of rape on 3 accounts

My now ex-fiancé was never home on time, and his excuse was always "I had to work over time." I'm currently pregnant with his daughter, and I assumed he was cheating on me because he didnt get to have sex with me at home. Anyway, he never once during our 5 year relationship ever gave me any reason to believe he would do something this disgusting. He was always so kind and gentle to me. I don't know what to do, i keep feeling like this has something to do with me, but at the same time, he had an extremely rough childhood. So it may be linked with that. Has anyone else ever been through something similar? How did you get through it? How did you deal with people constantly questioning you and you even questioning your self if you could of done something to stop it.  I'm just lost, in denial and extremely shocked.