what the hell do I do

Arianna • With the love of my life and mother to our handsome little boy ❤️
Okay so a few days ago my fiancée almost left me because we've been fighting a lot. We grew up completely different. My point of views are completely different than his and the other way around. I'm really protective. We have a son together who is almost a year old. We got into a huge fight one night and he told me he was done and was leaving me. We can't communicate at all. I'll try to sit down calmly and talk to him about something and he will either ignore me or get really angry and yell and tell me I'm stupid and won't let me tell him what's bothering me or compromise. It's always his way or the high way. Well after that big fight I was crying badly and begging him to stay. The next morning we talked and he decided he was going to stay with me and raise our son together as a family. We just got into another big fight because he told me that now things have to change (him doing things I'm not okay or comfortable with him doing) and if I'm not okay with it he will leave me. He basically seen how upset I was that he was going to leave me and now he's using that against me to do whatever he wants. I'm so frustrated because I love him and my son to death and want us to be a family together but how he hell can I live like this?! He knows what bothers me and what I'm okay and not okay with him doing and now he's saying he is going to do whatever he wants and if I can't deal with it he's gonna leave me. I just feel like in a relationship you should consider the other person and compromise, and not want to hurt or upset them. Am I right? We've tried therapy but once she started telling him he's wrong about certain things he told me he's not going anymore. He's used to always getting his way and he thinks it's okay to do this. I'm supposed to sit back and let him do whatever he wants and take it or else he's going to leave me. Like how is this even okay?? I can't live like this. I want us to be together. I can't imagine my life without him. I don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please no hate, or negative comments. I'm already upset enough as it is. Advice please? Help!