Cycle Day 35 NPT

Hi everyone I'm on cycle day 35, I usually get af around 28/32 though last month was 25! I've been on the pill for 2+ yrs. we caught straight away with our lb 3yrs ago. 
I was due af on Xmas day/last thurs I've had 3 negative tests. We've been ttc our 2nd for 9m. I'm 35 and my hubby is 36. 
Driving myself insane I wanna book in at docs for bloods but don't wanna look like a tool. No doubt I'll get af as soon as I visit or after I've booked it but I'm worried I'm past it if I am pregnant I'd be classed as 7wks. I had NOT through cycles when glow predicted I'd be ovulating so I dunno if I ovulate earlier or later? 
Could not tell you when I ovulated as periods have been irregular.