A little confused? Help?

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Hubs and I decided to start TTC #1 starting his month. AF was due yesterday, but the day before I ended up (what I thought was) bleeding with mild cramps every so often. Normally my period starts with something veryyyy light. Almost not even there. By the next day it'll be my regular flow and that's that. But this will be the third day that ive got this weird light brown bleeding going on. Its not even enough to warrant wearing a pad because it only comes out every so often. Took a pregnancy test just to see because there was one time last month that we didn't use protection but I highly doubt that's the case considering it came back negative. I found out a few weeks back that I had a small cyst. My gyno said it would go away on its own and it was nothing to worry about but could that effect this period? Its really been bothering me because of how regular my periods are and I don't want this some how throwing off my chances this month??

Anyone wanna take a stab in the dark as to what's going on or if I should be concerned?