my repeat c-section story - don't be scared

I was due 1/2 and went in for my repeat c-section on 12/29, it was scheduled for 7:45 and I had to be there at 6am. As you can imagine I didn't sleep much the night before so we were tired going into it. We got there at 6 and went straight up. Shift change happens at 7am in our hospital so the night crew got me started with the IV and antibiotic and paperwork but at 7am the new crew came in. I was sooo happy to see that by the grace of God I got the same nurse as I had last time who was 120% the reason my first son is still alive. Has she not been my nurse 3.5 years ago I am positive I would have had a stillborn. So that made my morning. They finished prepping me and I got to the OR by 8. Got my spinal which has duramorph in it right around 8:15. It was painless and easy. The nurses and staff were so wonderful. It was such a different experience this time compared to my emergency C last time. Once they started I didn't feel anything but a bit of pressure. However when they were getting him out, because his head was so large, they really had to rock me all over, it took a bit. By 8:28 my little nugget was born in all his glory. Head full of hair and crying like someone slapped his mama. They cleaned him up and he came to daddy and me. Once they started my tubal he left with daddy to go to the nursery for weights and such and to do skin to skin. The docs finished up tying my tubes and I was sent to recovery by 9am. I had a slight reaction to the narcotics, I don't love them, and had low BP (mine is always low, but lower than normal) with dizziness and such. They waited to let me drink until after 12 and when I did I still threw it up. I got more anti nausea meds which made me tired. Little bit had been with me in the meantime trying to nurse with some success. By 3pm or so we got into a room in postpartum. They offered me morphene or some other kind or narcotic pain med but I declined. They advised the spinal pain meds would be gone by 6pm. I asked for Motrin. They obliged with 600mg. Aside from Motrin I never took any other pain meds after surgery. The next morning they took the catheter out at 6am and I was up walking immediately. My doc came in that morning and I was doing great, my incision looked good. I spend the day walking the halls in the hospital. None of the nurses could believe how well I was doing or how little pain I was in. The next day my OB came in and discharged me first thing. I broke out just 48 hours after my c-section. The hardest thing at home is climbing up in our tall bed but once I figured out how to get in and out it was super simple. Don't be afraid of a c-section ladies!  Yes I know not everyone has as simple of a recovery as I have (it was this easy for me the first time too)! But it's possible!  I did a lot of positive visualizing of healthy and fast healing. I walked as soon as they'd let me. Be your own healer!!!  Here's my lil dude, Matthew Thomas 8 lb 4oz, 20.5", head off the charts lol.