First sweep

Had my first sweep 2 days ago since then I've had no spotting but some period like cramps lower back pain but kind of a similar feeling to when your kidneys are sore from not drinking enough but I'm drinking constantly and midwife said urine fine I suffer from pelvic pain so not sure if it's maybe just that getting worse or if it's the back ache that everyone describes I just wondered if anyone knew if these are maybe signs that the sweep has had some affect and I may get labour soon or if I'm just getting my hopes up. I have a 2nd sweep Wed anyways maybe more luck with that one also getting some pains in my sides almost like a stitch just below my waist line and I think I lost my plug the night of the sweep but no blood etc again so I can't be 100% sure with this being my first I'm second guessing everything haha maybe some other mums can give me a little advise?