feeling like I am all alone

 My son was born a premie at 31 weeks he has been on multiple ventilators for his breathing. He gained weight while in the NICU and did good on his feedings. So good he was able to latch on for breast feeding. He was discharged with oxygen and my husband has been trying to be an active dad I am trying not to discourage him. I did all the teachings for his discharge I waited for the oxygen tanks and how to assemble them . My husband on the other hand tries to help but I am getting to the point we're what ever he does annoyes me like if I am going to hurt  my son always hovering over me even when he was in the hospital and I was changing a diaper he would just stand there too. His parents recently came to visit I had an in home visit nurse who came to see my son. I told them to step out because I had a nurse and she was asking questions . My husband automatically assumed I was nuts and that I don't like his parents . But for me is how can i include them when they isolate themselves for the wedding ceremony they did not show up why because since they are seventh day Adventist they could not enter the church . They did not even try to visit my son even after I told my husband to return their car since I wasn't going to work because of my c section. When they went to go see him they did not even tell me he went with them behind my back and I was waiting for him to go see my son.