make-up help??

Hi, well to start off I grew up in a household where I was surrounded by woman and they all wore make-up. I remember growing up and seeing them in the mirror putting it on and seeing how pretty it looked on them. I'm 17 almost 18 and I've barely ever put any type of make up on my face because I literally don't know how and don't know where to start. My mom always said I was too " young" for make-up but I would often see many of my female friends wearing it and talking about it ( I'm a senior in high school), which made me feel pretty excluded. Can anyone give me some type of tips or pointers on where I can start? I feel like I am already pretty decent looking without it but make-up is something I've always wanted to try. Here is a picture of me ( Snapchat filter and all) 😅 Comment tips below please!