Follicle Count for First IUI Post Cancer and Unexplained Infertility

Ultrasound went great. Average size of follicles is 16-20. I had four large ones and a couple of small ones that were 10 mm and under. 
Right side 24 mm and 22 mm 
Left side 19.5mm and 16.5 mm
They will call us today and tell us exactly what time to do the trigger shot and <a href="">IUI</a> possibly Tuesday-Thursday. They are wanting to do two this time possibly. 
We are so excited! This was my very first round of Clomid on the smallest dose. 
My husband has stage four reoccurring brain tumors (currently in remission). I have unexplained infertility. Over the last year I have lost over 160 pounds after having weight-loss surgery and I currently have regular menstrual cycles. In November, I had surgery to remove two uterine polyps and a D&C. 
Hoping for the best. Thought to us please!