Bitterness and feeling Resentful

So afraid and sad and choices of the past.... i am in my mid-twenties and am conpletely stuck with what to do for the future career-wise and feel stuck in the past for choosing college and my major and my career choice based off of my parents' perspectives and standards rather than my own. Or at least onea that I would be good at. Now I feelI have wasted all the money I had access to for a good education and have to start from scratch again. This is debilitating for me since I cannot see myself get into debt for more schooling. Any advice or help is much appreciated. Its basically now every night thinking and will I pay for housing, utilities (OMG HEAT IN THE COLD), what kind of work would be good for me, status of the job itself, what will i do... Please read and do not undercut me. I already feel that enough already as a self-perceived failure.