how I was unexpectedly induced at 39 weeks!

Nina • Baby Sophia 12-16-16
So I guess I'll start with my 38 weeks appt. I went in thinking it was gunna be a normal appt, them telling me if I'm dilating at all and listening to my baby girls heart beat but that all took a turn when I told my doctor I was experiencing some chest pain and light headed. She told me she wanted to do a EKG so the nurses came in and did it and when the doctor came in she said she had some concerns so I had to go to L&D for further monitoring. When I got there they said I needed an ultrasound of my legs and heart to make sure I didn't have any blood clots. I thought I was gunna be fine and sent home that night but when the midwife came in she told me I actually had a big blood clot in my left leg and I need to stay in the hospital over night. So they started me on blood thinners and around 12am they took my for a cat scan and told me everything was ok after. The next morning they did an ultrasound of my heart because they found some Fluid around my heart but again said everything was fine. My doctors had been talking to the San Francisco doctor team as well because they are a better hospital with more experience. The day I was supposed to go home they informed I couldn't again and that the next day I would be transported to UCSF by ambulance which is 3 hours away from home. When I arrived there on Sunday I was 38 +2 days. They started monitoring me and all the good stuff. When I started having chest pain again and they had about 15 doctors and nurses all around me, running tests and taking X-rays which was pretty scary. When they came back in they said I had 2 blood clots on my lungs and that's why I was having chest pain and they needed to take me to the ICU for better monitoring which sucked! 1000 tests later! Fast forward to the next Thursday which made me 38+6 and they started my induction at 6 in the morning with an oral pill which did nothing at first but when I had my second dose my contractions start 3 minutes apart but I had a bad reaction to the meds and my heart rate jumped into the 160s. Since my contractions were Steady they didn't give me anymore meds at that point. But they did give me a fullybolb which sucked sooo much! It hurt so bad! It made my contractions so bad and the pressure sucked. I labor with the on gas and air for a while but then got meds through my iv because I couldn't handle it anymore. I labored without anymore meds for hours until my contractions where a 7 on the pain scale. Then on Friday when I was 39 weeks I finally got the iv meds that I could push the button when I needed it. I couldn't have the epidural because of the blood thinners I was on which sucked. The meds made me so loopy I don't remember much of my labor when I was on it. Finally it was time to push after 37 hours of labor and let me tell you pushing was the easy part! Not pushing was so hard. I told pushed for 25-30 minutes and then my beautiful baby girl Sophia was born at 7 pounds 7 ounces 21 inches long at 7:32pm. The cord was wrapped around her neck so I couldn't hold her as soon as she came out and the meds made me so shaky I was scared to hold her. I didn't want to drop her. It was all worth it in the end! Sorry it was so long I had a very eventful last week of pregnancy. There's my birth story! 
She's already 2 weeks and 3 days old😩 it's going by so fast😕 I love her so much❤