what should I do?

So my mom and my stepdad have been having issues with their marriage and my mom has been sleeping on the couch in the living room. Well, for Christmas from my aunt, I got new pillowcases, sheets, throw pillows, and a new comforter. I just put them on my bed Friday and I was so proud of the new bedding things. Saturday, I went to my dad's house and stayed until Sunday morning. When I got home, I saw that my bed wasn't made anymore and my throw pillows were scattered around my bed. At first, I was like, "Alright, my mom slept here when I was gone. No big deal." Then, I looked closer at my room. My room gets really hot sometimes, so I have a fan that's in the perfect spot for me. The fan was in a completely different spot on the table I have by my bed and was turned differently. I also saw that things on my dresser and desk were in different places. I decided to get under the comforter and I noticed a stain on it. It's a white comforter. I'm a huge neat freak and never eat or drink anything on my bed, especially now. The stain looked like blood or something. I wasn't bleeding when I was here Friday. I turned over and saw that there was dirt on the other pillowcase right next to me. I told my mom about it. She was like, "Oh, it probably just came like that," and walked off. She claims that no one has been in my room. I know she was though because she put my clothes on my bed. It's not the "sleeping in my room when I'm not here" part that bugs me. It's the part where she has no respect for my things and gets them dirty. It's the part where she looks through my room and rearranges things. It's the part where she lies about being in my room. The kind of material that the comforter is made out of can't really be washed, according to my mom. It's a quilt comforter with fleece. The stain came out though, but the fabric of it made it look different than the rest of it and it smells really strongly of the stain remover that my mom used. What should I do? I'm angry about the comforter because I was so excited to have it. I spent a long time picking it out and finding pillows to match and she just comes in here and dirties up my bed. She never respects my stuff.