How Would You React?


Okay, so there's this guy. We'd been sleeping together on and off for two years. Finally called it off last summer (wow that's weird to say) when he felt like he was catching feelings and that it wasn't a fair situation because of how he had had an open relationship at one point while we were having sex (so he had a girlfriend when we hooked up). So on New Year's we were at a party together hanging out and I was calling him out on something and his drunk ass tells me that he thinks one day we'll just have to bite the bullet and date because I know him so well and all that shit. So I want to know how you ladies would react. Part of me wants to be angry, but the larger part of me doesn't really know what to think.

TLDR; My fuck buddy called things off because of feelings then got drunk and told me we should just date at some point to get it over with.