Did I miscarried?

On December 23rd I took a pregnancy test and it was positive, my period was due that day.  With no warning.. on the 28th I woke up in the morning and pee as usual and I saw blood inside the toilet... That freak me out because thats what I experienced with my first miscarriage. When I went to the bathroom again I started to flush out alot of blood and it look like I had my period, the blood only lasted 3 days... I didn't experience any cramps, no pelvic pain or back pain or anything.. i was just bleeding alot with no pain. I went with my obgyn and told him about it and the medical assistant took a urine sample from me to confirm my pregnancy and it came out positive.. i was still pregnant.. the obgyn offer to take a vaginal ultrasound to see if the baby was still ther but i didn't want to, I was messy down ther so, he told me to wait 2 weeks to take a blood test to see if my hcg levels were normal. I took a pregnancy test the next day and the line appeared lighter, I was sure I miscarried because of all the blood I lost. I took another pregnancy test the next day from that day and it look completely negative, I was positive I miscarried. Today has been the 3rd day since I took the last pregnancy test and just for curiosity I took one in the morning today and the double pink line appeared again.  I was shocked! I took another one an hour ago and it came out positive, the double pink line looked darker... I don't know what happened, I will take a blood test to confirm my hcg levels thiz week but is it possible that I had twins? and I only lost one and thats why my hcg levels dropped down? and now they are back up again? Did someone experienced this??? Im so confused!!! I dont know if I did miscarried or not. Or is the bleeding from something else? 
And my boobs hurt more than before.