what the f*ck is love???

I'm a married mother who is struggling with a husband who is emotionally unavailable and maybe in love with my best friend. For eight years my husband has had very little interest in actually spending time with myself and my daughter outside of in front of the tv. After 17 years, I have told him I want him to move out, but nothing has changed yet. Meanwhile, I spend an enormous amount of time talking to his boss. The boss is in a long term relationship, but tells me every day how much he loves me. This past year the boss spent some major time with my daughter and I, including celebrating her 8th birthday because husband didn't want to go. 
But. How can anyone say they love me and then turn around and go to couples counseling with his girlfriend? I feel like my marriage is so messed up that I wouldn't be able to recognize real love if it slapped me in the face. 
Am I just enabling this boss guy and he me so we can avoid dealing with the pain of our relationships?
Could it really be love??