Have anyone been thru this???

Ok.. im in this dilemma... i have hypothyroidism, i been married for a year and a half and i haven't been able to get pregnant. We do not use any protection at all. But for some reason i feel like im pregnant; let me explain why i say this, because 1) My belly is been growing and people have ask me if im pregnant, 2) I have gain to much weight probably like 2 pounds per week, 3) I been constipated for the past month, 4) my nipples been feeling like pinches and little sore, 5) i been feeling movement in my abdomen or by my bellybutton 6) I havent had my period since November 1st ( thats when it should it come) and till this day i havent had my period. :-(

I have done many many urine pregnancy test but all come back negative. My question is: Could i be pregnant but due to my abnormal hormones (hypothyroidism) may not be showing pregnancy in the urine test??? Have anyone been thru something like this??? Can somebody tell me or have a story???

By the way i do have my thyroid working normal. I take my medication everyday...