Current pregnant ladies or moms. Need advice.

I feel like I'm pregnant but it's too early to test. I had unprotected sex, being pregnant would be a good thing for me BTW it's what I want, anyways, I am having some symptoms I'm not used to but I've also thought I was pregnant before and turned out negative was a sad day for me. But this time I have symptoms that i haven't had before. Gassy, extremely extremely fatigued as in a feel like a legit zombie 99% of my day. Acne. I've never gotten it. I'm 23 and never had an acne problem but now I'm getting it. I'm starving. All the damn time. I eat like a cow but I don't have a liking to any taste. Except I'm thirsty all the time. I've had a sore throat and cough I assumed it was the usual winter cold but it's not going away. A lot more BMs. I've never really been a normal popper but recently I've had every day normal bowels. Which is not normal to me. Itchy itchy itchy!!! I feel like I have bugs or something. Anyone else have these symptoms with being pregnant? Or is this just over thought wishful thinking? My period is only 1 day late.