
So my baby is 9 weeks old. He struggled to latch from day 1. I was given a nipple shield to help with breast feeding. For a while it helped, and as he hit older he couldn't seem to get enough. So we found he was tongue tied. We got his tongue fixed and I so hoped he would eat better. A week after the procedure he finally took my bare breast and seemed to eat well- 20-25 minutes and content. Until my nipples cracked and bleed. I started using the shield again to heal up my incredibly painful nipples. It's just that I know he doesn't get enough with the shield- I've been to breast feeding support groups and he transferres 1-2 oz. So I've had to breast feed for 30 minutes then give 1-2 Oz in a bottle, then pump for 15 minutes. All in all it takes an hour. The thing I'm most frustrated at is that he's not gaining weight. At his well child appointment last Wednesday he was 9 pounds 15.6 Oz. Yesterday he was 10 pounds even. So in 5bdays he gained 0.4oz. We're in the 6th percentile for weight. I feel like a failure. Even with all I'm doing to feed him, it doesn't seem like enough. I have a 1:1 meeting with the lactation consultant this coming Thursday. I'm not ready to give up on breast feeding, but kiddo needs to start gaining weight.