ttc for 4 months now 🙁

Me and my boyfriend have been trying to conceive for 4 months now. I know it isn't long and their are ladies on here that have been trying for much longer. 
I have alopecia and I have high stress levels from childhood problems and everyday life. 
I've been told stressing won't help me conceive, so I've tried meditation, silence(like sitting in my room,reading with no noice. 
I can't help but think this is pointless or even a waste of time. Is this normal? I mean all I want is a baby, to be a mother. But because of my health issues, I'm worried that, that's why I'm not conceive. I have depression and anemia. Which for those who don't know what anemia is, it's a lack in iron. So I'm very pale and my hand are always cold. Is my health problems gunna stop me from conceiving? If so what do I do to help me 🙄😓 my boyfriend wants to be a father so much and because of my health can't help but feel like I'm letting him down😒😟😔