PLEASE please help!

hey!! i'm sorry if it's kinda long but it's an interesting/funny/unfortunate story and you will not be disappointed once you finish reading lol. okay so i take a test prep class every saturday and about a month ago now when i showed up, this guy who id never seen before was sitting right next to my usual seat. the coward that i am, i didn't sit in my usual seat next to him, but instead i sat across from him. i didn't really get to look at him but the whole time he kept looking up at me and i left thinking he must like me. the next week i showed up first, so i sit in my usual seat, and he shows up with his friend because they drove there together. his friend goes and sits at a different table and instead of going to sit next to his friend, he comes and sits down right next to me! maybe i'm over analyzing that but i found it pretty forward. that night, i couldn't stop thinking about him. i knew his first name and where he went to school so i did some "researching" (stalking lol😬) online and found his instagram. i followed and he followed back and i stalked his account and became even more infatuated with him. he's a big time baseball player and is probably going to get recruited to play baseball at a D1 college. just overall a very interesting guy and i was so anxious for saturday to come around so i could see him again! however that saturday was christmas <a href="">eve</a> and there was barely anyone there, he wasn't there either... his friend was there and i saw him texting the guy i like (michael) but that was all. the night before i had a dream about him and had such a strong feeling for a couple of days that i'm just gonna end up dating this kid. it was a weird feeling that i've never had before and i've never had a boyfriend (i'm 16 1/2) but i had this feeling that we were going to be together. normally i would've overlooked it and think i'm crazy, but i just couldn't shake the feeling. that same night, christmas <a href="">eve</a>, he posts a picture with a girl... the caption gave nothing away, but the comments made it seem like they had just started dating. my friends told me it could just be that they are good friends but idk what to think. my friends also told me i'm stupid for feeling this way bc i've barely talked to him. so finally, this coming saturday i'm going again and i had a plan before i saw that picture he posted that i was going to talk to him and ask for his snapchat. do i still do this even though he could be dating someone? i guess he doesn't know that i know he's dating someone. also i haven't stopped thinking about him since december 17th. please help me out, it may sound like a stupid story to some but i just can't stop thinking about this guy who i've barely spoken to!! thank you all in advance❤️❤️