I Think I'm The Man

I love my husband so much it's crazy! But when it comes to sex.....yikes!!
I'm 22 and pretty much ready 24/7 but he never is! He thinks it's funny that I'm pretty much always on. He says something halfway sexual and I look at him like, "is that a 'go ahead' or you just messing?"
We might have sex once a week. And We do our best to make it last. But I get super bummed because, more often than not, he finishes and it's all over. 
I know he works hard all day, but I do too. I may have to stay home with our babies, but we're also remodeling so I spend all day working on the house, cleaning the house, caring for a toddler and an infant, and making sure everyone is fed, clean, and happy. 
I do everything I can to make sure his life is easy when he gets home (no I don't answer the door with slippers, a cigar, and a cocktail) but he still is rarely up for anything. I try not to get frustrated...but good Lord! When it comes to sex I swear I'm the man