3.38am & I'm awake & missing my 7.5 week old son in NICU 🙁

I had my baby 7.5 weeks ago, 14 weeks early. We've coped well for all these weeks,  but it's now that my fiancé's back to work since the Christmas-new year break I'm missing my baby at home much more deeply.
Of course, logically I do know NICU is where he needs to be, that I can use this time to prepare for his homecoming... but I'm finding it harder now to be apart. It upsets me to think he could be there another 7 weeks or more... 🙁 ...instead of at home with his mama & daddy.
It doesn't help he's on a powerful ventilator for the last 2 weeks, so our kangaroo care cuddles aren't possible lately.
I guess I need a big hug & lots of comfort.
It's a shame that due to expressing my milk for him, I'm prevented from herbal sleep supplements to help me relax & rest.
I've felt mostly positive, but I'm emotionally exhausted now and haven't sleep well the last 2/3 nights.