37 week delivery

Brenda • Hispanic,TX,Married&👧🏼👧🏼👦🏻👦🏻👦🏻👶
Has anyone been told they are delivering at 37 weeks? I went in this morning and the doctor said I am most likely going to deliver at 37 weeks. I am 32+5 today and it shocked me. She said next week I'll be starting my 1 week appts. Due to pre-diabetes (only checking my levels not taking any medication and some what borderline high blood pressure) she said it wasn't a good combo. I told her I am still planning on working. And she said that was fine. I know I'll be getting ultrasounds every other week to see the growth I guess they don't want baby to be too big. And I know they check down there the last month to see if I would be dilating. It's crazy I might have a baby this month/early Feb. And my due date is the 23rd. Omg!!!! 🤗