Hsg and nervous *UPDATE*


Hey ladies I'm scheduled to have an hsg test tomorrow and am a little nervous on what to expect as far as "pain" more so than the results. I was looking to hear some of you ladies stories or experiences with it. My mom had one done so I was talking with her about it and she told me that it wasn't bad and that with my pain tolerance I'll be fine. I just want someone here that I could talk to or who could help me through this. I'm 26 no kids never been prego(mmmm pasta)😆. And would like to have a glow buddy whos in the same boat as I am, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any tips😉


Hey Ladies so I went in for my hsg test and...omg now there was a guy doctor(he was the one doing the injecting of the dye) and 2 lady nurses who was getting everything ready for when the male doc come in anyway, they had did the deal like u would a pap and he talked every step of the way one what he was doing and about to do. Then he said he was inserting the dilator then inserted the catheter with the balloon on it. Long story short after the first time, yes the first time. They're moving the xray machine over me and he say "oh the catheter come out" so they slid me back down the table and redid everything. Now I knew what to expect as far as "pain" since they had to start over. There was pressure not like a pap and it did feel like something in my body came out when he took the pap thingy out, now the pain wasn't what I expected it hurt worse than what I thought. The older lady nurse was so sweet and let me squeeze her hand and tried calming me. When they finally did injext the dye that's when the real pain came in. I was trying to hold my composure and not react too much to the pain, but next thing I know I'm whispering out loud "shit,shit,shit, shit as he's injecting the dye. He wanted me to turn to the right for a little then to the left nlans I barely did that, he's like turn a little more. Sorry if I'm just carrying on about like the whole conversation lol but I had to tell everything. After it was done they went over the xrays and everything with me, good news NO blockages.....that's what he said lol. But I did see like 3 little white deals on my left tube and asked well what's that lol and he said oh that's nothing just from a previous infection but its not blocking anything because the dye came out of both tubes. So I was excited about that and too I don't have to get the laparoscopy surgery because there aren't any blockages. Again ladies sorry for carrying on 😴and thanks for all the kind words and words of encouragement and the questions. Thanks for reading ladies hope this helps someone💕💕