Mucus plug... TMI


Wondering if anyone can shed some light in this (I'm a FTM so I have no clue about this stuff 😂)

This may be a little TMI for some, so I apologise.

I've had to wear liners every day for a few weeks now because I've had sooo much discharge (like seriously, as if there weren't enough other pregnancy symptoms?!)

I'm 32 + 2 and I went to the toilet a few minutes ago, there was a large-ish blob of what looked like really thick discharge, almost snot like. Not blood tinged at all. It was probably at most an inch in diameter.

I didn't think about it until after I'd finished so I didn't get a photo, but is it possible that this was part of my mucus plug? Or is it more likely that my liner has just sacked moisture from my usual discharge so it's turned into a blob?

I'm not majorly worried yet, I'm going to keep an eye in things and if I start contractions or my water breaks obviously I'll be calling my midwife. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas ☺️ thanks in advance!