calling all of those whose husbands or SO has left them or "needs space" since finding out your pregnant!

So we've been together for a couple years and found out on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> I was prego. Well him and his mother want me to get an abortion bc if I keep the baby I'll be destroying their family and ruining her sons future. Please keep in mind that I'm a nurse and he has no job. You may be thinking why am I with someone that doesn't have a job. Well since we've been together he's told me all of this stuff he's going to do and become successful so I've believed him when he says that he's working on stuff on the computer to get everything going, then come to find out he's not getting shit accomplished bc he's reading and reading and clicking on link after link and getting side tracked. So he's back living at his mothers house and has been ignoring almost since I've told him I'm prego and I do not want an abortion. Is anyone else in this situation? If you are can we be support buddies!