PREVENT stretch marks?

I feel like I'm prone to stretch marks. 
A new one popped up and I think i know what caused it. I was sitting on the counter in a dress, thighs (sigh) glommed onto the counter top and my bf hooked his arm around me and tried to pull my towards him, my right. That feeling of peeling your thighs off the chair? Worse, bc I wasn't actually getting up I was moving sideways, and I could feel the sting of my skin as it clung to the counter top for dear life (wish it didn't!!) and I was itchy on the same spot just now and looked-- brand new red mark with slightly indented skin. 
Bottom line: what works best for preventing and repairing stretch marks for you girls?? I have bio oil, cvs stretch mark cream, coconut oil, baby oil, and that's it. Feedback!! Much appreciated!!